Bouquet Punch Card

from $120.00

Our Bouquet Punch Cards are such a wonderful way to say you care….all year round! Each delivery will include a beatifully arranged, vased floral design featuring the very best flowers our farm has to offer. Whether they choose fresh or everlasting flowers, your recpieint will be delighted with each delivery!

Cupid Says:

For Valentine’s Day, you have the option to use one of the punches for our beautiful, locally grown EVERLASTING FLOWER designs and have the card delivered. Otherwise, we will send you a digital copy of the card to print.

What is a Bouquet Punch Card ?

This is a wonderful way to give flowers when your recipient most wants or needs them. You may purchase a card with four, six or eight punches.

How does it work?

The recpient can simply send a text to us and we will set up a delivery of a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Deliveries are subject to availability and are not eligible for use the week of Mother’s Day.

What are the benefits?

For you - Bouquet Punch Card purchases are at a significant discount from our regular pricing. Plus, they include FREE delivery for each punch, saving you even more in the long run.

For us - These pre-paid Bouquet Punch Cards allow us to purchase the seeds, equimpent and infrastructure our farm needs up front. The deliveries are spread out during the year, enabling the recpient to enjoy our most special flowers from each season.

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